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What you need to know about OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, long-term state of mind indicated by thoughts that make you feel anxious (obsessions) and behaviours you do to reduce this anxiety (compulsions).

Anxiety-provoking thoughts can preoccupy and engage the mind and will not disappear, despite your try hard not to think of them.

Thoughts could centre on contamination by germs, or that someone will be harmed because of your negligence. You may clean and clean endlessly. You may see pictures in your mind of violent or sexual images which are completely out of character; however, importantly you do not act upon these images.

To help reduce the anxiety caused by these negative thoughts you may have rituals such as washing hands repeatedly, constantly worrying or checking, and constantly asking for reassurance from others that everything is okay.

OCD can disable life to such a dramatic degree that depression can also be a problem, as well as damage personal and professional relationships.

OCD can be diagnosed if the obsessions and compulsory acts take up unreasonable amounts of time (approx. more than an hour), lead to significant distress and interfere with daily functioning in domestic life, study, work, social life, relationships. 

If you suffer from any of the issues listed, you may need making an appointment with an OCD therapist.


What is counselling for OCD?

Counselling and psychotherapy can be highly successful methods in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Counselling treatments for OCD involve working through a therapy programme to control the obsessions and associated rituals that keep up with the disorder.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), in particular, has been well-tried to provide relief from intrusive thoughts and repeating compulsive behaviours.

In the confidential atmosphere you and your therapist will begin to disengage anxiety from reality and fact automatically engage thoughts, breaking the cycle between these thoughts and damaging compulsions.

You and your therapist can explore the underlying causes to your OCD ensuring that these issues have been addressed to prevent future episodes.

You have full control over the progression of the therapeutic session and you will not be made to undertake activities that you do not wish to do. 

Benefits of counselling and psychotherapy for OCD:

  • Helps you to find out the main causes of your OCD
  • Examines the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that keep up the cycle of OCD
  • Gain self-understanding and insight, including identifying triggers
  • Develops tailor-made coping strategies to replace safety behaviours.

Post Author: Moafi